The James M Tanner Award is a Lifetime Achievement Award given to a BSPED member. It is the most prestigious BSPED award and is given in recognition of an outstanding overall contribution to the BSPED and to the field of paediatric endocrinology and diabetes. It is named after Professor James Mourilyan Tanner, the British paediatric endocrinologist best known for his seminal growth studies and development of the Tanner scale.
This award acknowledges many facets, including excellence in leadership, scientific research excellence, teaching and mentorship. It is awarded on an annual basis at the BSPED meeting. The award launched at the 46th Annual BSPED meeting in Birmingham, November 2018.
The deadline for nominations is in February each year. The deadline for 2025 has now passed.
Application process
- Self-nominations are not accepted
- Candidates should be nominated by a BSPED member using this nomination form
- All nominations should be submitted electronically to the BSPED Awards Committee Chair at [email protected] by 5pm on the application deadline.
- Nominations will only be accepted on completion of the accompanying nomination form and submission of the nominee's full CV (CV to be submitted by proposer or nominee)
- Up to 2 optional supporting documents may also be submitted (see below) to provide evidence of the basis of the nomination
- The award winner is required to present a lecture at the BSPED Annual Meeting at which they receive their award
- UK paediatric endocrinologist/diabetologist
- Must be a BSPED member
- Previous winners and current BSPED Executive / Awards Committee members are not eligible to be nominated for the James M Tanner Award
- Nominations will be acknowledged by email
- The final decision will be made by the BSPED Awards Committee based on the candidate's excellence in leadership, lifetime achievement in teaching and research, and an outstanding overall contribution to the BSPED and to the field of paediatric endocrinology and/or diabetes
- The Awards Committee will meet in the spring to review the applications
- The award winner will be notified by the Chair of the Awards Committee by the end of May. Candidates who have not received notification by this date should assume that they have not been successful
List of required documents
- Completed nomination form
- The candidate’s full CV (PDF)
Suggested supporting documents (Up to 2 - PDF format)
- Peer reviewed publication summary and list of up to 10 most significant publications (including citations - see publications template)
- List of trainees/mentees and/or testimonials from trainees/mentees
- Letters from patients/patient groups
- List of national and international roles