
New BSPED rhIGF-1 guidance documents

04 Jun 2024

The BSPED Growth Disorders Special Interest group (SIG) is delighted to share two new related documents recently approved by the BSPED clinical committee:

BSPED Recommendations for Recombinant IGF-I Therapy in Children with Severe Primary IGF-I Deficiency (SPIGFD)

The aim of this recommendation document is to guide UK paediatric endocrinologists considering the use of rhIGF-I for severe primary IGF-I deficiency (SPIGFD).

BSPED Recommendations for Recombinant IGF-I Therapy in Children with Severe Insulin Resistance Syndromes

This recommendation aims to guide UK paediatric endocrinologists who are considering the use of rhIGF-I for severe insulin resistance syndromes (SIR) secondary to insulin receptoropathies.