
Membership Benefits

Membership is open "to those actively engaged in the clinical care of children with endocrine disorders and diabetes mellitus and to those conducting research related to those problems". Therefore, membership is open to members and non-members of the RCPCH. Membership is not open to employees of commercial firms nor to lay persons without professional qualifications.

Benefits of membership

  • Reduced rate registration at BSPED Annual Conferences
  • Eligibility to apply for a conference attendance grant (previously named travel grant) to attend the BSPED Annual Meeting
  • Eligibility to apply for BSPED Research & Innovation and Nurse &AHP awards
  • Eligibility as a nurse member to apply for funding for the ‘Principles of Care for the Child and Young Person in Endocrinology’ masters module.
  • Access to the password protected members’ section of the BSPED website where you can access the online members directory, update your details and view documents and educational videos
  • Monthly society e-newsletter updating members on a wide range of topics including meetings and jobs available
  • Updates on clinical trials, studies and research via the Research Special Interest Group
  • Access to a 25% discount on the Article Publication Charge for the open-access case reports journal Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Case Reports officially endorsed by the BSPED
  • The opportunity to join a BSPED committee to influence its work and best practice within the field
  • The BSPED enjoys close links with other paediatric endocrine societies worldwide
  • Enjoy the opportunity to meet colleagues, gain support for your career, share research interests and exchange scientific knowledge with your peers

Join BSPED now.