Professional & Clinical Resources

Patient Resources

Below are links to patient support groups, charities, societies and other websites that may be helpful to patients and their parents/carers. The BSPED does not have responsibility for the content of the websites linked to from this page.

Endocrine Resources

Addisons Disease Self Help Group The ADSHG is the support group in the UK and Ireland for people with Addison’s disease or adrenal insufficiency and their families, working to support its those with adrenal failure and to promote better medical understanding of this rare condition.
ALD LIFE ALD LIFE aims to help all affected by or interested in adrenoleukodystrophy and adrenomyeloneuropathy, whether personally or medically.
AMEND Association for Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Disorders.
Anorchidism Support Group The Anorchidism Support Group was formed to serve and support any person, or families of boy's, with congenital (or acquired) absence of the testes.
The British Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology.
British Thyroid Foundation The British Thyroid Foundation is a charity dedicated to supporting people with thyroid disorders and helping their families and people around them to understand the condition.
British Thyroid Foundation Patient information Film This film aims to provide a clear explanation to children aged six to twelve years old of the most common thyroid disorders, open a dialogue between parents or carers and their children and signpost them to additional help.
Child Growth Foundation The Foundation is the UK's leading charity relating to children's growth.
CCLG Aftercure Patient information on the late effects after treatment for childhood cancer survivors.
The Daisy Network Patient support group for women with premature ovarian insufficiency.
Diabetes Insipidus Foundation Support group.
DMD Care UK  Patient information leaflets to help DMD parents, families and patients understand the care they should receive
DSD Families Resources for professionals working with people with Disorders of Sex Development.
Endocrine Society The Endocrine Society is dedicated to promoting excellence in research, education and clinical practice in the field of endocrinology.
ESE European Society of Endocrinology.
ESPE European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology.
ESPU European Society for Paediatric Urology.
Endolinx Good site for endocrinology news and developments.
Explain Me Explain was developed as part of a project to improve communication between young people, their parents/carers and healthcare professionals in endocrine clinics.
The Hormone Foundation The Hormone Foundation is dedicated to serving as a resource for the public by promoting the prevention, treatment and cure of hormone-related conditions.
Hypoparathyroidism UK HPTH UK is the only organisation dedicated to improving the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of hypoparathyroidism and other parathyroid conditions in the UK.
Fertility Network UK Fertility Network UK are the UK’s leading infertility support network, and we’re here to offer information and support to anyone affected by fertility problems.
Intersex Society of North America The Intersex Society of North America is a resource for people seeking information and advice about atypical reproductive anatomies.
Johns Hopkins University Division of Pediatric Endocrinology in the Department of Pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. This website has been set up to provide information for patients with Kallmann syndrome and their family and friends in addition to any healthcare professionals keen to learn more about this rare condition.
Klinefelters Syndrome Association UK This site exists to support all those affected by Klinefelter's Syndrome (KS).
PES Pediatric Endocrine Society (formally the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society).
Pituitary Foundation  
Prader-Willi Syndrome Association UK  
RCPCH Leaflets created to inform people about the rare conditions being studied by the BPSU in a straightforward and lay-friendly manner.
Society for Endocrinology  The Society for Endocrinology aims to promote the advancement of public education in endocrinology.
Turner Syndrome Support Society The aim is to offer support & information to girls & adult women with Turner Syndrome, their families and friends.
Verity Verity is a self-help group for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
WHO growth database Global Database on Child Growth and Malnutrition.
You & your hormones You & Your Hormones is a website aimed at patients and the general public that provides accurate and reliable information on hormones and hormone-related conditions.

Diabetes Resources

Children With Diabetes   Website and facebook site for families living with Type 1 diabetes.  Essential site for non-type 1 diabetes from Andrew Hattersley's group in Exeter. Includes forms for sample despatch and research information.
Diabetes UK   Diabetes UK mission is to improve the lives of people with diabetes and to work towards a future without diabetes. The latest diabetes news, information on diabetic foot conditions and products to protect and care for your diabetic feet.
Foot in Diabetes UK (FDUK) Foot in Diabetes UK (FDUK) is a multi-disciplinary organisation, for professionals, committed to leading and supporting high quality health care to improve outcomes for people with diabetes related foot disease.   Diabetes Resource Centre.
ISPAD  International Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes.
JDRF International Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International.
JDRF UK   Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation UK.
Medical Conditions at School For school staff and healthcare professionals supporting pupils with medical conditions.
NHS Diabetes   NHS Diabetes is a national organisation supporting improvement in diabetes services.
NHS 111 Get help for your symptoms.
NIDDK   National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Disease (USA).
Pumpwear Accessories  Accessories insulin pump wearers.
UK T1D Research Consortium Information about the latest type 1 diabetes clinical trials available and families/individuals can self register